Frequently Asked Questions
The following Frequently Asked Questions have been provided to assist internal and external applicants in clarifying various processes and procedures in Human Resources.
- Applications
- Licensing and Certification
- Compensation - Principals
- Compensation - Assistant Principals
- Compensation - Teachers
- Compensation - Classified Employees (Non-Teaching)
- Compensation - School Food Nutrition
- Compensation - Bus Managers / Monitors
- Compensation - Coaching / Extracurricular
What are your vacancies?
All vacancies in GCPS are listed in our AppliTracks applications system. All jobs, including regularly open positions, are listed here. Please see the application system and instructions for its use under the Career Opportunities link.
Applicants are required to submit a complete online application and provide all of the necessary supporting documentation to apply for a position with GCPS. To begin this process, you need to create an applicant user account under our Career Opportunities page.
What happens after I submit my application? What is the status of my application?
After submitting your completed application, be sure to upload the required documents applicable to the position. If applying for teaching positions, regularly check your account to make sure your (2) supervisory references have been received.
- Incomplete supervisory reference survey forms will expire after 60 days.
- Incomplete applications saved in draft for over 25 days will be deleted from the system.
To submit a new reference survey form to a different email address, add the supervisor's name, email address and resubmit form.
To submit the survey form to the same email address after the survey link has expired, please contact the Applications Center at 678-301-6000 to request that we delete the old link so that you can re-submit.
Principals and Hiring Managers will contact candidates to schedule interviews.
Remember that having a complete online application will optimize your chances of being considered for employment opportunities in GCPS!
Will I be contacted for a job interview?
After applications are reviewed, applicants qualified for specified positions are referred to principals or other hiring managers for their consideration. Principals/Hiring Managers then contact the candidates they are interested in interviewing. The Division of Human Resources does not know who will be contacted for interviews.
I submitted an application, but have not yet heard back. Who should I contact?
Unfortunately, due to the large volume of applications we receive, we are unable to respond personally to all applicants. Should your qualifications match a staffing need, you will be contacted directly.
Can I apply via email, fax, mail, or by directly contacting the hiring department?
Gwinnett County Public Schools only accepts applications submitted through the electronic application system. For those without Internet access, Human Resources has several "kiosks" that can be used to access the electronic application system. Additional information is available at Do You Need Help?
Why do you exclusively accept electronic applications? Why don't you accept paper or emailed resumes?
The advantages of an electronic application system benefit both the applicants and the school system. The electronic application system provides more search options for applicants and more timely updates to job postings. In addition, applications to Job Openings can be processed expeditiously.
What happens to my application after I submit it?
Once you apply, you will receive an email confirming submission of your application. All applications are reviewed and screened against position qualifications. Principals and hiring managers will contact candidates who best meet the position requirements.
How frequently do you update the job postings?
Job postings are updated daily with the addition of new positions and the removal of filled positions.
A job has been posted for a number of months. Is it still open?
If a position is on the website, it is still open and the principal or program manager is still seeking candidates.
Do jobs remain posted after the position has been filled?
Postings are removed once a job has been filled.
Can I update an application once it has been submitted?
Once you have submitted an application, you will be able to log back in and make changes to your information.
Do I have to re-enter my information every time I apply?
If you have already submitted an application in the past, the information you entered will populate your new application so you do not have to re enter the same information every time you apply.
I have problems with my computer "locking up" or I am unable to complete my application because I get kicked out of the system. What should I do?
First try emptying your computer's "cache" memory. To do this, use the following instructions:
- From the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, select the Tools dropdown menu.
- Choose Internet Options from the available selections.
- While in the General tab, click the Delete Files button.
- Check the "Delete all offline content" option.
- Click OK.
- Click the OK button in the Internet Options dialog box.
Licensing and Certification
Is an Educator certificate required in Georgia?
Yes. Any professional serving in the public schools must hold a current valid certificate appropriate to the field of employment. All certificate fields are classified as Paraprofessional, Teacher, Service, or Leadership.
How do I qualify for a professional certificate in Georgia?
Professional certification is based upon completion of a college’s state-approved certification program in a field for which Georgia certifies or upon professional certification from another state, U. S. territory, District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DODDS) or the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). In Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS), certain special Georgia requirements (Identification of Exceptional Children, Computer Competency, Recency of Study, appropriate assessment in the content area of certification) may be necessary within the first year of employment for individuals who completed out-of-state certification programs or out-of-state certification.
What tests do I need to obtain a Georgia certificate?
Applicants must take and pass the GACE Content Assessment appropriate to the certification field(s). Registration information is available on the GACE website.
Do I have to take Georgia’s required test or can I substitute a test taken for an out-of-state certificate? Does Georgia accept the NTE?
If you are currently or previously certified in another state and passed a content-knowledge assessment(s) required for certification in the state of certification, this test may be accepted in lieu of the GACE. For consideration, you must submit a copy (front and back) of any certificates/licenses you hold or held, and a copy of score reports for any assessment(s) you have passed. If score reports are unavailable, attach documentation from the state’s certifying authority to verify that you have passed the required content assessment(s) for professional certification in that state.
The appropriate Specialty Test(s) of the NTE can be accepted only if it was taken to qualify for out-of-state certification as a content knowledge (CK) test. The NTE Core Battery is not acceptable toward the content knowledge assessment.
After I satisfy all requirements for a professional Georgia certificate, for how long will it be valid, and how do I keep it current?
A Professional Standard Renewable certificate is valid for five (5) years, during which time you must earn ten (10) quarter hours (6 semester hours) or acceptable college credit or ten (10) Professional Learning Units (PLUs) of staff development credit, or have 1 year of successful evaluations recorded on a Professional Learning Plan. College course work must be earned at regionally accredited colleges. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are not acceptable for certification purposes.
How long will it take for my certificate application to be processed?
Your completed application package will be processed within three-four (3-4) weeks from the time it is received by the Professional Standards Commission. You will receive an educator certificate, a letter of eligibility, or an evaluation for certification requirements to be met.
I do not have a teaching certificate, but I do have a bachelor’s degree. What do I need to do in order to get certified to teach in Georgia?
If you want to teach in the Gwinnett County Public Schools you must affiliate with a local college or university or affiliate with Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GATAPP) through Metropolitan Regional Education Service Agency (MRESA).
What is the difference between professional and provisional certification?
Professional certification is based upon the applicant having completed a state-approved certification program in the field of certification or holding or having held professional certification in another state, District of Columbia, U.S. Territory, DODDS, or NBPTS. If all Special Georgia Requirements have been satisfied, the certificate is issued as a Clear Renewable certificate, valid for five (5) years. Special Georgia Requirements have been included in approved programs from Georgia colleges since July 1, 1993. If the applicant qualified for the initial professional certificate based upon an out-of-state college certification program, out-of-state certification, or a Georgia college-approved certification program completed prior to July 1, 1993, that lacks one or more of the special requirements, the certificate can be issued as a non-renewable Professional certificate at the request of Gwinnett County Public Schools pending completion of the special requirement(s).
Provisional certificates are issued based upon having a Bachelor’s Degree or above in a content field that was not designed for classroom teaching in the elementary and secondary schools. The degree must have been earned at a regionally accredited college. The applicant must also pass the GACE Content Assessment in the certificate field desired before the candidate is eligible for a provisional certificate.
How do I receive a provisional certificate?
If an applicant qualified for a provisional certificate based upon content and GACE requirements, the certificate can be issued only at the request of a Georgia employer. The certificate is valid for a period of three (3) years and must be upgraded to a Standard Renewable certificate by completing a college’s approved teacher education program or by meeting other requirements set forth by the PSC.
In completing requirements for Standard Renewable professional certification, can I use teaching experience in lieu of student teaching?
Any determination of what can or cannot be accepted toward requirements of the initial professional certificate must be made by the college where the applicant is completing the college’s state-approved teacher education program. The PSC does not provide a course-by-course evaluation outlining these requirements.
How can I add a field to my standard renewable certificate?
Professionals who already possess a standard renewable teaching certificate in one field may add other fields by taking and passing the appropriate GACE content assessment.
I have just finished a higher degree. What do I do now?
You should have the college or university you attended send official transcripts to the GaPSC at: Make sure your degree has already been conferred prior to ordering transcripts. After your transcript is received, an Application for Certification should be completed through your MyPSC account. Be sure to notify once you have completed the online application.
Compensation - Principals
The Compensation Administration Office can provide an estimate of your salary for a specific position. This estimate will be based on the current year Principal salary schedule and information that you provide at the time of the estimate.
How and when am I paid?
All principals are paid on a monthly basis. The pay cycle begins in July and ends in June of the following year.
How will my salary be affected if I begin employment after the first day of the fiscal / school year?
Should an employee work less than the scheduled days for his or her position, the annual salary will be pro-rated based on the actual days worked. The total annual salary from the salary schedule will be divided by the scheduled days for that position and multiplied by the actual number of days to be worked. The salary is then divided over the remaining months that the employee has to be paid.
I began work after the first scheduled day for my position (part-year employee). Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year?
An employee must work at least 63% of the scheduled work days at full-time employment for their position in order to receive a year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year. For example, principals are scheduled to work 245 days per fiscal year; therefore, 154 days must be worked (at full-time employment) to receive a year of experience credit for the next school year (245 x .63 = 154).
Will I receive experience credit for previous teaching and/or administrative experience?
Principals receive experience credit for previous principal experience, either within Gwinnett County Public Schools or within another school district. Experience is evaluated by the Compensation Administration Office in accordance with Rule 160-5-02-.05 adopted by the Georgia Department of Education. A properly completed Verification of Certified Work Experience form must be received within the current fiscal / school year for any salary adjustment to be made during that year. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.
How do I determine my salary? In addition to the base salary amount, do principals receive any additional supplements?
The principal salary schedule is comprised of three grade levels: Elementary, Middle, and High school. For each grade level there is a base step where a principal begins if they have no prior principal experience. If there is prior principal experience, a principal gains a step on the salary scale for every year of verified, full-time experience as a principal. The step that a principal is placed at equates to an annual base salary, displayed in the grid on the lower half of the salary schedule.
Principals also receive an annual supplement based on their student enrollment. The Additional Supplements salary schedule contains the per student dollar amount.
I am transferring to Gwinnett County Public Schools as a principal from another school district. How can I transfer in my unused sick leave?
Employees who transfer to Gwinnett County Public Schools from other Georgia counties may transfer up to 45 days of sick leave. According to state statute, the transfer of leave must take place within one year of termination from the previous position. Sick leave eligible for transfer should be indicated in the space provided on the Verification of Certified Work Experience form, when completed by the previous employer.
Compensation - Assistant Principals
The Compensation Administration Office can provide an estimate of your salary for a specific position. This estimate will be based on the current Assistant Principal salary schedule and information that you provide at the time of the estimate.
How and when am I paid?
Assistant principals are paid on a monthly basis. The pay cycle begins in August and ends in July of the following year.
How will my salary be affected if I begin employment after the first day of the fiscal / school year?
Should an employee work less than the scheduled days for his or her position, the annual salary will be pro-rated based on the actual days worked. The total annual salary from the salary schedule will be divided by the scheduled days for that position and multiplied by the actual number of days to be worked. The salary is then divided over the remaining months that the employee has to be paid.
I began work after the first scheduled day for my position (part-year employee). Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year?
An employee must work at least 63% of the scheduled work days at full-time employment for their position in order to receive a year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year. For example, assistant principals are scheduled to work 200 days per fiscal year; therefore, 126 days must be worked (at full-time employment) to receive a year of experience credit for the next school year (200 x .63 = 126).
I am working part-time this school year. Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule next year?
Employees who work part-time (between 20-24 hours per week) must work two consecutive years to receive one year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year.
Will I receive experience credit for previous teaching and/or administrative experience?
Experience in teaching positions, assuming it meets the criteria outlined below, will be accepted at half credit, and experience as an administrative intern, assistant principal or principal will be recognized at full credit. Experience is evaluated by the Compensation Administration Office in accordance with Rule 160-5-02-.05 adopted by the Georgia Department of Education. A properly completed Verification of Certified Work Experience form must be received within the current fiscal / school year for any salary adjustment to be made during that year. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.
How do I determine my salary? In addition to the base salary amount, do assistant principals receive any additional supplements?
The assistant principal salary schedule is comprised of three grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school. For each grade level there is a base step where an assistant principal begins if they have no prior related work experience. For every two years of certified, verified, full-time teaching experience an assistant principal gains a step on the salary schedule, and for every single year of certified, verified, full-time administrative experience an assistant principal gains a step on the salary schedule. The step that an assistant principal is placed at equates to an annual base salary, displayed in the grid on the lower half of the schedule.
Assistant principals also receive an annual salary supplement which varies at the Elementary, Middle and High school levels. In addition, assistant principals are eligible to receive supplements for 6th and 7th year degrees. The Additional Supplements salary schedule contains the amounts for these supplements.
Will I receive experience credit for military service?
In order to receive credit for military service, a copy of the employee’s DD214 must be submitted. The employee may receive up to three years credit for active military service in the armed forces of the United States. Experience credit is not granted for service in the Reserves or National Guard.
I am transferring to Gwinnett County Public Schools as an assistant principal from another school district. How can I transfer in my unused sick leave?
Employees who transfer to Gwinnett County Public Schools from other Georgia counties may transfer up to 45 days of sick leave. According to state statute, the transfer of leave must take place within one year of termination from the previous position. Sick leave eligible for transfer should be indicated in the space provided on the Verification of Certified Work Experience form, when completed by the previous employer.
Compensation - Teachers
The Compensation Administration Office can provide an estimate of your salary for a specific position. This estimate will be based on the current Teacher salary schedule and information that you provide at the time of the estimate.
How and when am I paid?
Teachers are paid on a monthly basis. The pay cycle begins in August and ends in July of the following year.
How will my salary be affected if I begin employment after the first day of the fiscal / school year?
Should an employee work less than the scheduled days for his or her position, the annual salary will be pro-rated based on the actual days worked. The total annual salary from the salary schedule will be divided by the scheduled days for that position and multiplied by the actual number of days to be worked. The salary is then divided over the remaining months that the employee has to be paid.
I began work after the first scheduled day for my position (part-year employee). Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year?
In order to receive an annual performance step for the school year, a full-time teacher (working 25 hours per week or more) must receive a complete evaluation and must receive a rating of “Proficient” or higher on the annual Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards (TAPS) or equivalent annual evaluation tool. A teacher who did not work enough days in the 2023-24 school year in order to have a complete evaluation will not be eligible to receive a performance step for that school year.
I am working part-time this school year. Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule next year?
A teacher who works part-time (between 20-24 hours per week) must receive a complete evaluation and a rating of “Proficient” or higher on the annual Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards (TAPS) or equivalent annual evaluation tool for two consecutive years in order to advance one performance step on the salary schedule.
Will I receive experience credit for previous teaching experience?
Experience is evaluated by the Compensation Administration Office in accordance with Rule 160-5-02-.05 adopted by the Georgia Department of Education and in conjunction with the GCPS Performance-Based Teacher Compensation System, granting a performance step for those years in which a summative evaluation rating of Proficient or higher is received. A properly completed Verification of Certified Work Experience form must be received within the current fiscal / school year for any salary adjustment to be made during that year. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.
Can I receive experience credit for substitute teaching or paraprofessional experience?
Teaching experience credit is not given for substitute teaching or paraprofessional experience.
Will I receive experience credit for military service?
In order to receive credit for military service, a copy of the employee’s DD214 must be submitted. The employee may receive up to three years credit for active military service in the armed forces of the United States. Experience credit is not granted for service in the Reserves or National Guard.
I am transferring to Gwinnett County Public Schools as a teacher from another school district. How can I transfer in my unused sick leave?
Employees who transfer to Gwinnett County Public Schools from other Georgia counties may transfer up to 45 days of sick leave. According to state statute, the transfer of leave must take place within one year of termination from the previous position. Sick leave eligible for transfer should be indicated in the space provided on the Verification of Certified Work Experience form, when completed by the previous employer.
Compensation - Classified Employees (Non-Teaching)
The Compensation Administration Office can provide an estimate of your salary for a specific position. This estimate will be based on the current Classified & Administrative salary schedule and information that you provide at the time of the estimate.
How and when am I paid?
All school-based employees paid from the classified salary schedule are paid on a monthly basis. Central office employees paid from the classified salary schedule are paid on a semi-monthly basis, unless in a contracted position in which monthly pay is a requirement. For all 12-month and 230 day Classified employees as well as school based Administrative Assistants, the pay cycle begins in July and ends in June of the following year. For all other classified employees, the pay cycle begins in August and ends in July of the following year.
How will my salary be affected if I begin employment after the first day of the fiscal / school year?
Should an employee work less than the scheduled days for his or her position, the annual salary will be prorated based on the actual days worked. The total annual salary from the salary schedule will be divided by the scheduled days for that position and multiplied by the actual number of days to be worked. The salary is then divided over the remaining months that the employee has to be paid.
I began work after the first scheduled day for my position. Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year?
An employee must work at least 63% of the scheduled work days at full-time employment for their position in order to receive a year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year.
I am working part-time this school year. Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule next year?
Employees who work part-time (between 20-24 hours per week) must work two consecutive years to receive one year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year.
Will I receive experience credit for previous work experience?
Upon receipt of a properly completed Verification of Classified/Non-Teaching/Private Industry Work Experience form the Compensation Administration Office evaluates the similarity of the job responsibilities stated on the form to those of the employee's new position. If the work experience is determined to be related, the Compensation Administration Office considers the length of previous employment and the days / hours worked, and determines how many steps of experience credit will be granted. The Verification of Non-Teaching / Classified Work Experience form must be received within the current fiscal / school year for any salary adjustment to be made during that year. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.
What happens if my previous employer is no longer in business, or if my previous employer uses only an automated verification service (the Work Number, etc.)?
We will accept the following documentation for evaluation of experience for an employer that is no longer in business or uses only an automated verification service:
- Affidavit from the employee, including the employee’s name, address, detailed work history, hours worked, position and job responsibilities. The affidavit must include the employee’s signature and contain a notary public signature and seal.
- Copies of supporting documentation from the period of employment - this can include paystubs, W-2s, 1040s, and/or a social security statement.
I was self-employed; will I receive experience credit towards my salary?
We will accept the following documentation for evaluation of experience for an employee who was self-employed:
- Affidavit from the employee, including the employee’s name, address, detailed work history, hours worked, position and job responsibilities. The affidavit must include the employee’s signature and contain a notary public signature and seal.
- Copies of supporting documentation from the period of employment - this can include a business license or the Schedule C tax form.
Will I receive experience credit for my college or university course work?
If an employee has completed college course work that is in excess of the degree requirements for their position they may be eligible to receive experience credit for this time. The college course work must be from a university or college that was accredited by the U.S. Department of Education at the time of attendance. Official transcripts must be submitted to the Compensation Administration Office for review.
How will I know when the Compensation Administration Office has received my verification forms and/or my transcripts?
An employee’s grade and step (if applicable), as well as their annual salary amount, appears on their paycheck or pay advice each month (or twice a month if the employee is paid semi-monthly). As experience credit is granted for verifications of experience and/or transcripts, as appropriate, the employee will see an increase in their rate of pay and possibly their grade and/or step on their paycheck / pay advice.
An employee may also inquire on the status of their verification forms and/or transcripts in the interim by contacting the Compensation Administration Office directly for assistance.
Can I receive credit for substitute teaching or for temporary / miscellaneous or volunteer work?
Experience credit is not given for substitute teaching, temporary / miscellaneous, or volunteer work. However, GCPS Stellar Substitute full-time experience may be submitted for evaluation towards the following positions: Parapro, Parent Liaison, Instructional Clerk, Media Clerk and Clinic Worker.
Will I receive experience credit for military service?
In order to receive credit for military service, a copy of the employee’s DD214 must be submitted. The employee may receive up to three years credit for active military service in the armed forces of the United States. Experience credit is not granted for service in the Reserves or National Guard.
Compensation - School Food Nutrition
The Compensation Administration Office can provide an estimate of your salary for a specific position. This estimate will be based on the current School Food Nutrition salary schedules (hourly or managerial) and information that you provide at the time of the estimate.
How and when am I paid?
All school food nutrition school-based employees are paid on a monthly basis. The pay cycle begins in August and ends in July of the following year.
How will my salary be affected if I begin employment after the first day of the fiscal / school year?
Should an employee work less than the scheduled days for his or her position, the annual salary will be prorated based on the actual days worked. The total annual salary from the salary schedule will be divided by the scheduled days for that position and multiplied by the actual number of days to be worked. The salary is then divided over the remaining months that the employee has to be paid.
I began work after the first scheduled day for my position. Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year?
An employee must work at least 63% of the scheduled work days for their position in order to receive a year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year.
Will I receive experience credit for previous work experience?
Upon receipt of a properly completed Verification of Classified/Non-Teaching/Private Industry Work Experience form the Compensation Administration Office evaluates the similarity of the job responsibilities stated on the form to those of the employee's new position. If the work experience is determined to be related, the Compensation Administration Office considers the length of previous employment and the days / hours worked, and determines how many steps of experience credit will be granted. The Verification of Non-Teaching / Classified Work Experience form must be received within the current fiscal / school year for any salary adjustment to be made during that year. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.
What happens if my previous employer is no longer in business, or if my previous employer uses only an automated verification service (the Work Number, etc.)?
We will accept the following documentation for evaluation of experience for an employer that is no longer in business or uses only an automated verification service:
- Affidavit from the employee, including the employee’s name, address, detailed work history, hours worked, position and job responsibilities. The affidavit must include the employee’s signature and contain a notary public signature and seal.
- Copies of supporting documentation from the period of employment - this can include paystubs, W-2s, 1040s, and/or a social security statement.
I was self-employed; will I receive experience credit towards my salary?
We will accept the following documentation for evaluation of experience for an employee who was self-employed:
- Affidavit from the employee, including the employee’s name, address, detailed work history, hours worked, position and job responsibilities. The affidavit must include the employee’s signature and contain a notary public signature and seal.
- Copies of supporting documentation from the period of employment - this can include a business license or the Schedule C tax form.
Will I receive experience credit for my college or university course work?
If an employee has completed college course work that is in excess of the degree requirements for their position they would be eligible to receive experience credit for this time. The college course work must be from a university or college that was accredited by the U.S. Department of Education at the time of attendance. Official transcripts must be submitted to the Compensation Administration Office for review.
How will I know when the Compensation Administration Office has received my verification forms and / or my transcripts?
An employee’s grade and step (if applicable), as well as their annual salary amount, prints on their paycheck or pay advice each month. As experience credit is granted for verifications of experience and/or transcripts, as appropriate, the employee will see an increase in their rate of pay and possibly their grade and/or step on their paycheck / pay advice.
An employee may also inquire on the status of their verification forms and/or transcripts in the interim by contacting the Compensation Administration Office directly for assistance.
Can I receive credit for temporary / miscellaneous or volunteer work?
Experience credit is not given for temporary / miscellaneous or volunteer work.
Will I receive experience credit for military service?
In order to receive credit for military service, a copy of the employee’s DD214 must be submitted. The employee may receive up to three years credit for active military service in the armed forces of the United States. Experience credit is not granted for service in the Reserves or National Guard.
Compensation - Bus Managers / Monitors
The Compensation Administration Office can provide an estimate of your salary for a specific position. This estimate will be based on the current Bus Manager / Bus Monitor salary schedule and information that you provide at the time of the estimate.
How and when am I paid?
Bus Managers and Bus Monitors are paid on a semi-monthly basis. The pay cycle begins in August and ends in July of the following year.
How will my salary be affected if I begin employment after the first day of the fiscal / school year?
Should an employee work less than the scheduled days for his or her position, the annual salary will be prorated based on the actual days worked. The total annual salary from the salary schedule will be divided by the scheduled days for that position and multiplied by the actual number of days to be worked. The salary is then divided over the remaining months that the employee has to be paid.
I began work after the first scheduled day for my position. Will I receive experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year?
An employee must work at least 63% of the scheduled work days for their position in order to receive a year of experience credit and advance on the salary schedule the following year.
Will I receive experience credit for previous work experience?
Upon receipt of a properly completed Verification of Classified/Non-Teaching/Private Industry Work Experience form the Compensation Administration Office evaluates the similarity of the job responsibilities stated on the form to those of the employee's new position. If the work experience is determined to be related, the Compensation Administration Office considers the length of previous employment and the days / hours worked, and determines how many steps of experience credit will be granted. For driving experience as of April 1992 or later a CDL license must have been a requirement of the position in order to warrant experience credit as a Bus Manager.
The Verification of Classified/Non-Teaching/Private Industry Work Experience form must be received within the current fiscal / school year for any salary adjustment to be made during that year. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.
What happens if my previous employer is no longer in business, or if my previous employer uses only an automated verification service (the Work Number, etc.)?
We will accept the following documentation for evaluation of experience for an employer that is no longer in business or uses only an automated verification service:
- Affidavit from the employee, including the employee’s name, address, detailed work history, hours worked, position and job responsibilities. The affidavit must include the employee’s signature and contain a notary public signature and seal.
- Copies of supporting documentation from the period of employment - this can include paystubs, W-2s, 1040s, and/or a social security statement.
I was self-employed; will I receive experience credit towards my salary?
We will accept the following documentation for evaluation of experience for an employee who was self-employed:
- Affidavit from the employee, including the employee’s name, address, detailed work history, hours worked, position and job responsibilities. The affidavit must include the employee’s signature and contain a notary public signature and seal.
- Copies of supporting documentation from the period of employment - this can include a business license or the Schedule C tax form.
Will I receive experience credit for my college or university course work?
If an employee has completed college course work that is in excess of the degree requirements for their position they would be eligible to receive experience credit. The college course work must be from a university or college that was accredited by the U.S. Department of Education at the time of attendance. Official transcripts must be submitted to the Compensation Administration Office for review.
How will I know when the Compensation Administration Office has received my verification forms and / or my transcripts?
An employee’s grade and step (if applicable), as well as their annual salary amount, prints on their paycheck or pay advice each month (or twice a month if the employee is paid semi-monthly). As experience credit is granted for verifications of experience and/or transcripts, as appropriate, the employee will see an increase in their rate of pay and possibly their grade and/or step on their paycheck / pay advice.
An employee may also inquire on the status of their verification forms and / or transcripts in the interim by contacting the Compensation Administration Office directly for assistance.
Can I receive credit for temporary / miscellaneous or volunteer work?
Experience credit is not given for temporary / miscellaneous or volunteer work.
Will I receive experience credit for military service?
In order to receive credit for military service, a copy of the employee’s DD214 must be submitted. The employee may receive up to three years credit for active military service in the armed forces of the United States. Experience credit is not granted for service in the Reserves or National Guard.
Compensation - Coaching / Extracurricular
How and when am I paid?
All benefited Gwinnett County Public Schools employees who are coaching are paid monthly. The pay cycle begins in August and ends in July of the following year. Lay coaches or community coaches are paid in one lump sum payment, near the season end of the sport they are coaching.
Will I receive credit for previous coaching experience?
Experience for paid coaching positions will be recognized as follows on the:
- Head coaching position for Gwinnett County Public Schools (at the High School Varsity level): If an employee is coaching in a head varsity coaching position for Gwinnett County Public Schools, all experience obtained from another system at the head varsity coaching level will count year-for-year. Experience obtained from another school system at the varsity assistant, JV, 9th grade, middle school or elementary school level will be reduced by half for head coaching consideration.
- All other coaching positions for Gwinnett County Public Schools: If an employee is coaching for GCPS at the varsity assistant, JV, 9th grade or middle school level, all prior approved coaching experience will count year-for-year.
A properly completed Verification of Coaching / Extracurricular Positions form must be received within the current school year for any salary adjustment to be made. A salary adjustment will not be made to a previous fiscal year.