Verification of GCPS Employment
To submit your request for the following:
- Verification of Employment Requests
- Verification for Certification/Licensure
- Verification for Loan/Grant Forgiveness
- (including Teacher Loan Forgiveness, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Teach Grant Certification*)
- Verification for Immigration Purposes
- Sick Leave Transfer (NOT for retirement purposes)
- Other non-salary verification requests
Contact Information:
E-mail, OR
Fax requests to (678) 442-5195
Third party requests MUST include a signed consent by the employee.
*For student loan forgiveness applications, visit
To obtain a verification of salary with GCPS for the following:
- Auto Loan
- Home Loan
- Apartment Rental
- Mortgage/Financing
- Other salary related verification requests
To obtain copies:
- W-2's
- Payroll Records
Contact Information:
E-mail, OR
Fax requests, including a signed release authorization, to (678) 301-6310
Sick Leave balances will not be finalized until after June 30th. Eligible Sick Leave will not be transferred until mid-July. VOE requests will temporarily reflect a “0” balance.
*If you are a current GCPS employee, but leaving at the end of the school year, please submit any School District verification of experience forms at the end of May. We cannot post-date end dates of employment.
**Evaluation data is not available for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, based on Governor Kemp's executive order suspending provisions of Code Section 20-2-210 relating to the Annual Performance Evaluation for Local Education agencies. In addition, Performance Evaluation data is not available for the 2021-22 or 2022-23 school years per Georgia DOE Superintendent, Richard Woods.