Total Package
Your GCPS Total Package
You'll find your personalize Total Package Summary in the Benefits section of your About Me portal page. This outlines the additional compensation the Gwinnett County Board of Education (BOE) provides to you in the form of employer-paid contributions that add to your actual salary.
The net pay you see on your paycheck tells only part of the story. The BOE makes contributions toward your health, dental, and life insurance, your retirement plans, and your accrued leave. The pie chart on the right of your Total Package Summary shows the breakdown of contributions from the BOE that make up your total compensation.
Did you know?
GCPS created its own defined benefit plan, the Gwinnett Retirement System (GRS)? GCPS funds the benefit entirely on you behalf. GRS is a replacement for Social Security, so GCPS does not contribute to Social Security. This means you have no payroll deduction for the Social Security portion (6.2%) of FICA; therefore, your take home pay is 6.2% more! Questions? Contact