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Gwinnett County Public Schools


The information provided below contains helpful materials for substitutes at Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS). Click on the below links to learn more about substitute management at GCPS.

Absence Management (formerly Aesop)

Retirees Working as Substitute Classroom Teachers

Substitute Resources

Absence Management (formerly Aesop)

Gwinnett County Public Schools utilizes an automated substitute placement and absence management system called Absence Management. This system allows substitute-eligible employees to request a substitute online, by telephone, or by mobile device. Substitutes can also search and accept assignments online, by telephone, or by mobile device via Absence Management.

Teachers report their absences by calling a toll-free number or by logging into Absence Management. Substitutes can proactively fill their work calendars by searching for available assignments 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling a toll-free number or by logging into Absence Management.

Please access Absence Management online at or by calling 1-800-942-3767 to create your profile. Your ID is your telephone number, including the area code, and your Pin is your five-digit zip code.