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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Conducting Research in GCPS

Conducting Research in Gwinnett County Public Schools 

The Gwinnett County Board of Education recognizes that systematic study of the educational process and related variables can contribute significantly to the development of high-quality instructional programs. The Board also has moral and legal obligations requiring it to oversee research activities that make use of district resources such as data, facilities, employee time, or access to students and staff. The Board encourages the conduct of well-designed educational research projects that are of value to the school district; minimally disruptive to students, staff, and the educational process; based on sound research methodology; and in compliance with data security and privacy laws. 

Consequently, the Board requires that all research proposals be carefully screened by the Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the proposed research has potential value of the district and is consistent with district philosophies, legal obligations, and standards of good scholarship. The Executive Director of Research, Evaluation, and Analytics must provide written approval before a research project may be conducted in the district. A decision letter will be shared by the deadlines listed in the timeline table below. 
Please note that GCPS IRB approval does not require schools to participate. School participation is at the discretion of the principal. If school level participation is approved by the principal, individual participation is still voluntary. 

GCPS does not accept research proposals for the fulfillment of master’s or doctoral programs from non-GCPS employees. 

Please review the IRB procedures  before submitting a research proposal to the GCPS IRB.

GCPS IRB Research Proposal Timeline  

The GCPS IRB reviews research proposals periodically throughout the school year. Find below upcoming submission deadlines and dates that decisions will be issued.  

  • Proposals are due by midnight of the submission deadline date 

  • Researchers will receive a decision letter via email regarding the status of their proposal by the decision date 

Submission Deadline and Decision Dates
Submission Deadline
(by Midnight)
Decision Date
(by Midnight)
April 15, 2024 
May 27, 2024 
June 17, 2024 
July 29, 2024 
September 9, 2024 
October 25, 2024 
December 9, 2024 
January 31, 2025 
March 10, 2025 
April 25, 2025 
June 9, 2025 July 25, 2025



  • Be sure to thoroughly review the procedures for submitting a research proposal to the GCPS IRB. Proposals that do not adhere to the procedures will not be accepted. 
  • All proposals must adhere to the GCPS Research Standards.
  • Please answer all questions in the research proposal for. Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed. 
  • GCPS will not edit nor make changes in a research proposal for the researcher. 
  • Only applications submitted through the IRB research proposal form will be accepted. Emailed applications will not be reviewed. 
  • Researchers who submit a proposal will receive an email confirmation of their submission. If you did not receive a confirmation within 2 business days of submitting your proposal, please email
  • GCPS IRB approval is required prior to conducting research in the district. However, principals, teachers, or other GCPS personnel may decline to participate in a study even when the study has been approved by the GCPS IRB. 

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Frequently Asked Questions about the GCPS IRB Process


Whom do I contact? 

For questions about the research proposal please review the FAQs below. 

If you do not find an answer to your question, please email