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Gwinnett County Public Schools

GCPS Parent Mentor Presents

Serving Families of Students Who Receive Special Education Services

Gwinnett County Public School System’s (GCPS) is proud to offer a monthly workshop for families of students with disabilities. Gwinnett County Parent Mentors Present are informational sessions designed for families of children with disabilities. The purpose of the meetings are to encourage learning at home, build collaboration with schools, and connect families to community resources. Two sessions are offered per topic to accommodate all families. 

Events in the "Living in the Now, While Preparing for the Future" series include:



08/22/24   Starting the School Year on a Positive Note Dawn Albanese, Parent Mentor
09/24/24   Understanding Your Child as a Learner Kathryn Hanson- Coordinator of Psychological Services
10/17/24   Supporting Your Child as a Learner GCPS SPED Instructional Coaches
11/12/24   Navigating the Holidays & Avoiding Caretaker  Fatigue Dawn Albanese - Parent Mentor
12/3/24   Behavior Strategies to Help Parents GCPS Behavior Support Specialists
1/16/25   Understanding Postsecondary Outcomes and How it Connects to the Transition Plan in the IEP Tamra King - Transition Coordinator & Lisa Divers - Transition Coach
2/27/25   Preparing for the Annual GCPS Transition Fair Tamra King - Transition Coordinator & Lisa Divers - Transition Coach
3/11/25   Planning for an Engaging Summer Break Dawn Albanese - Parent Mentor
4/22/25   Locating and Understanding Resources Within the Community  Dawn Albanese - Parent Mentor
5/8/25   Self-Determination - What is it and How Can I Support my Child? Lisa Divers - Transition Coach


Two sessions are offered per topic and parents can select one session to attend: In-Person - 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. OR via Zoom - 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Information regarding meeting location and the links to register will be sent to local schools in advance of each monthly meeting. Meetings are subject to change and notices will be sent accordingly.

Interpretation services are available upon request. Please make a request at least one week in advance of the scheduled meeting date. Spanish interpretation services are already secured.

If you have questions, concerns or need our support, we welcome you to email or call us.

Dawn Albanese - Parent Mentor
