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Gwinnett County Public Schools

GCPS Parent Mentor - Dawn Albanese

The Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) Parent Mentor helps to provide parents of students with disabilities information, guidance, and resources to support students at home, at school, and in their communities.

Parent Mentors have children who either received or currently benefit from special education services. As parents of children who experience various challenges, we relate to and provide support to parents in various ways. To support success and better outcomes for students with disabilities, we work to build bridges between parents, administrators, and teachers. We strive to help families find positive solutions and support collaboration with their child’s teachers and school administrators. Parent Mentors also provide information to help connect families and individuals with disabilities to resources in their own community. We also collaborate with school administrators and teachers; supporting educators in their efforts to help families and students plan for educational and post-secondary goals.

Parent Mentors provide information about transition planning, agencies that support individuals with disabilities, Medicaid waivers, special education concerns, support groups, disability funding resources, community resources, and other information related to disabilities and special education.

GCPS Parent Mentors also offer parent training and other informational sessions about topics important to students with disabilities and their families. Such opportunities are available via the Zoom platform.

If you have questions, concerns, or need other support, we welcome you to email or call:

Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership:
Gwinnett County Public Schools: