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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Staff Development

Description of Program

Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Office of Staff Development provides high-quality professional learning opportunities and customized support and services designed to advance the system’s vision, mission, and goals by enhancing employee performance and developing employee capacity to lead in a system of world-class schools. We are committed to developing, supporting, and implementing professional learning that focuses on curriculum, assessment, instruction, and professional expertise.

Gwinnett County Public Schools offers extensive professional learning opportunities for teachers in content, pedagogy, and processes. These opportunities are facilitated by the district office curriculum departments and local schools. As a result, teachers have multiple venues for gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective instruction that meets students’ needs. Staff Development supports and partners with local schools to ensure teachers receive differentiated, ongoing, professional learning to improve continuously. 

Additionally, the Office of Staff Development coordinates special programs to meet the specific needs of all staff members throughout the district. 

  • Building a Foundation for Educational Equity and Cultural Responsiveness is a professional development pathway focused on best responding to each and every student, understanding that all students deserve a positive and academically challenging environment. These courses emphasize that culture is an asset and directly impacts how a student learns best. The courses can be accessed through individualized local school support and multiple courses offered throughout the school year.  
  • Coach Endorsement is a program designed for teacher leaders concentrating on research-based coaching practices proven to be successful in supporting teachers and leading to change within schools, effectively coaching individuals and teams.
  • Mentor Gwinnett is a district-wide, supplemental induction program for mentors and beginning teachers. Specific professional learning and processes are implemented to ensure mentors provide differentiated support, and new teachers develop the knowledge and skills necessary to impact student learning. 
  • Support Staff Development provides instructional services designed to increase the knowledge, skills, and overall performance of support staff. The program offers courses focusing on workplace dynamics, teamwork, professional growth, and job-related competencies. 
  • Teach Gwinnett is a Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (GaTAPP), and is a certification program for teachers seeking initial certification. Teach Gwinnett provides the professional learning and support needed to ensure beginning teachers are fully equipped to succeed and positively impact student learning. 
  • Teachers as Leaders is executive-level leadership training to develop personal and organizational leadership skills for classrooms and local schools. Participants are introduced to a course curriculum of leadership principles and provided opportunities to explore leadership skills through a series of program days that include meeting with local, state, and national leaders in education. Those selected for the program will be challenged to expand and extend the pursuit of excellence in the classroom, the educational community, and the community at large for the purpose of improved instruction and individual student success.
  • Teacher Leader Series is available to all teacher leaders. This five-part series equips teacher leaders with the knowledge and skills to lead and coach effective collaborative practices.

The Office of Staff Development also collaborates with other departments on specialty programs for teachers. The GCPS Educator Preparation Programs (endorsements and certification) are high-quality learning opportunities for teachers and leaders to further advance their instructional practice in specific areas to add joy to teaching and retain our great talent. We want to build not only the leadership capacity of our teachers but provide opportunities for them to grow as professionals who are experts in their fields. GCPS offers the following programs:


  • Coach
  • Computer Science
  • ESOL
  • Gifted
  • Math
  • STEM
  • Visual Impairment (biannual)

Alternative Preparation:

  • GaTAPP (Teach Gwinnett)

Dr. Leilani Scott 

Executive Director

Cindy Wiley

Administrative Assistant



GCPS has obtained the GaDOE Georgia Certified Teacher Induction Program Certification

GCPS has obtained the GaDOE Georgia Certified Teacher Induction Program Certification for our Mentor Gwinnett program.