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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Administration and Policy

The Office of Administration and Policy provides direct support to the Office of the Superintendent, local schools, and the community. This office is charged with facilitating the school system’s strategic plan and ensuring appropriate and timely response to requests made under the Open Records Act. In addition, the office serves as the legal liaison between local school staff and the School Board attorney and supervises the ongoing daily operations of the Instructional Support Center. The Superintendent's Chief of Staff also coordinates updates and revisions to school system policies. Pivotal to the Chief of Staff is the commitment to forging supportive relationships with both community stakeholders and the local schools. To achieve these goals, the office works across the system’s divisions to ensure accurate and clear communication.

Useful links:

Board of Education

Open Records Requests

Records Management


Jorge Gomez

Mr. Jorge Gomez

Chief of Staff

(678) 307-6006

Deanne Sport

Executive Assistant

(678) 301-6303