Smart Snacks
Competitive Food Regulations at a Glance
- Food and beverage requirements must meet general standards and specific nutrient standards.
- Provides exemptions to nutrient standards for specific foods
- This applies to all food and beverages sold on campus during the school day and is accessible to students.
- The school day is defined as the period from midnight to 30 minutes after the last bell.
- It does not apply to food and beverages sold 30 minutes after the last bell or on weekends.
- This applies to all grade levels.
- Nutrition standards are minimal.
Required Compliance Measures
SNP Responsibilities:
- SNP will provide mandatory training for all current and potential vendors.
- SNP will communicate to all vendors and/or local schools all available resources to implement the guidelines.
Mandatory Vendor Responsibilities:
- All vendors must review a mandatory Smart Snack Vendor Training & Compliance presentation in order to do business with GCPS.
- Vendors must certify commitment to serve and provide only approved items by completing the Smart Snack Vendor Compliance Form.
- Vendors who fail to certify compliance will be prohibited from doing business with GCPS.
- Vendors should request the Vendor Training & Compliance presentation and the Vendor Compliance Form for completion. Contact information below.
Local School Responsibilities:
- Local schools are responsible for ensuring all products sold during the school day meet Smart Snack Guidelines.
- Local schools are responsible for maintaining records of all competitive foods and beverages sold by their program(s)
- Local schools will ensure that exempted items are sold only during the allotted time frame.
For assistance with product labels, please contact Kalin Bryan
General Questions About Smart Snacks
USDA Guidelines
The Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards support better health for our kids and echo the good work already taking place in schools across the country. The new standards preserve flexibility for time-honored traditions like fundraisers and bake sales, and provide ample transition time for schools. USDA is committed to working closely with students, parents, school stakeholders, and the food and beverage industries to implement the new guidelines and make the healthy choice the easy choice for America’s young people.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.