Frequently Asked Questions in GCPS
The GCPS FAQ page addresses the most frequently asked questions from families new to Gwinnett County. Please add this page to your list of favorites and check back often for updates.
- Where can I get more information on HB 581? When are the public hearings?
- Where can I find more information about the clear backpack pilot?
- Why must a residency affidavit be completed each year?
- Are all permissive transfers being denied?
- What are Permissive Transfers?
- Why is GCPS asking for a waiver from class size?
- Can I opt my child out of photos and videos from GCPS?
- Can I review the Health Curriculum?
- Can I opt my child out of sex education?
- How do I address a concern at my child's school?
- Why did GCPS change from SchoolMessenger to ParentSquare?
- How can I find out about employment with GCPS?
- What school will my child attend?
- When and where do I register my child for school?
- What paperwork do I need to register my child?
- Where do I go to get immunization and medical forms?
- Can the school send the required immunization form (#3231) to me?
- Can my out-of-state doctor or dentist complete the medical form (#3300)?
- What curriculum does Gwinnett County Public Schools use?
- In addition to promotion assessments, what other tests will my child take?