Appendix F: Strategic Plan Updates
January 2023 Updates
At the January 2023 Board Meeting, the district shared 17 adjustments that were made to baselines and/or targets of the district’s key performance indicators. Of the 63 KPIs, adjustments were made to 17. The need for these adjustments came out of a thorough review of each of the KPIs that occurred after the strategic plan had been approved by the Board in the prior July. As part of the district’s ongoing continuous quality improvement process, each of the indicators were reviewed to ensure that the district is providing measures that are meaningful to district performance and in alignment with the spirit of each indicator. Additionally, it is important the measures allow for ongoing comparability — allowing the district to monitor itself against stated targets.
The following 4 types of adjustments were made:
- Updating baselines with 2021–22 end-of-year data (8 KPIs adjusted)
- Updating method for counting teachers (5 KPIs adjusted)
- Updating method for calculating student enrollment (3 KPIs adjusted)
- Updating method for counting families (1 KPI adjusted)
Details on each category of adjustment and the KPIs that were adjusted are available on our website:
September 2023 Updates
2022-2023 Key Performance Indicators results in accordance with Policy BAB - District Key Performance Indicators were shared with the Board of Education at the September 21, 2023, Work Session. In addition to the metrics updates, these KPI changes were also presented:
Proposed KPIs to be Removed because data no longer available:
- 3.A Improvement progress – benchmark assessments
- 3.A “Beating the Odds” Schools
- 3.C Financial Efficiency
Proposed KPIs to be Removed because data is not very meaningful for our public audiences:
- 3.B Human Resources Expertise – SHRM/HRCI certified.
- 3.C Nutrition Services Utilization – Lunch Participation
Proposed KPI to be Removed because of ParentSquare Implementation:
- 4.C Parent Portal Account Login
The following KPIs were adjusted with the September 2023 update:
- Updated baseline with data from the 2021–22 school year and updated targets accordingly
- 2.A English Learner (EL) Progress towards language proficiency – CCRPI
- 2.A EL Exit Rate*
- Continuous improvement of data systems and processes that support the calculation of the KPI
- 2.B Kindergarten Readiness, Historically Underserved Groups
- 2.B Advanced coursework completion, historically underserved groups*
- 4.B Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) pathway completion*
- Updated baseline to use data from the 2022–23 school year.
- 3.B Pipeline Development – Grow Your Own
- 3.C Bus Safety – Miles between at-fault Accidents* Targets updated accordingly.
June 2024 Midpoint Updates
- General grammatical errors and language consistency updates, such as English Learners being changed to Multilingual Learners.
- Added the new Appendix F documenting updates in 2023 and 2024 to the plan.
- Ensured inclusion of all updates presented in January 2023 and September 2023.
- Updated Board of Education to reflect the board as of June 2024.
- Updated the cover to differentiate versions of the plan, as well as the date of publication.
- Appendixes and glossary updated to align with changes outlined below.
KPI & Objective Changes
■ 1.B Added regular attendance to goal language to reflect focus on reducing chronic absenteeism for students and staff.
■ 1.B Removed KPIs for Counselors, Social Workers, and School Psychologists ratios because this is a staffing decision directly tied to the budget. District leaders will continue to provide updates on the support Counselors, Social Workers, and School Psychologists provide and continue to monitor support
■ 2.A Revised metric, metric inversed for reading on grade level 3rd grade to match 5th grade KPI.
■ 2.A Moved ML Progress towards Language Proficiency, EL Exit Rate to 2.C to align to objectives.
■ 2.B Renamed SAT/ACT Participation to Postsecondary Assessment Participation..
■ 2.C Moved Effective Tier 1 Instruction KPI to 2.A from 2.C to align with goal and objectives.
■ 2.C Revised sub-objective to include acknowledgment of resources (people, space, financial) needed to reduce class sizes.
■ 3.A Removed Improvement Progress as presented in 2023.
■ 3.A Added % of schools meeting Performance in Context Targets, baseline year is 2023–24.
■ 3.A Removed Beating the Odds; state eliminated the data, as presented in 2023.
■ 3.B Removed SHRM as presented September 2023.
■ 3.B Removed Teacher Leadership roles because this is a staffing decision directly tied to the budget. District leaders will continue to report on Teacher Leadership programs and opportunities through Board presentations and updates and continue to monitor support.
■ 3.B Revised Grow Your Own methodology to be more inclusive of professional growth, targets not changed.
■ 3.C Removed financial efficiency KPI due to lack of state reporting and added two new financial KPIs, Assets and Liabilities Ratio and Operating Reserve Ratio in place of the financial efficiency metric.
■ 3.C Revised Bus Safety methodology to clarify that this is tracking at-fault accidents, September 2023 update.
■ 3.C Removed Nutrition Services KPI; nutrition services will be monitored in OMPS, September 2023 update.
■ 4.A Removed County Resident enrollment rate, lack of control, and relevancy.
■ 4.B Revised KPI name to Early High School College Readiness, same metric without identifying the vendor and making the financial commitment to that vendor in the public document.
■ 4.C Removed Parent Portal Account and Account login KPIs, added % of Parents who have downloaded the parent communication tool for notifications based on 2023–24 implementation of ParentSquare.