November is Georgia Apply to College Month, and GCPS joins school districts across the state in encouraging students to research college options and participate in the application process.
Do you already have your mind set on attending a college or university? Visit the institution’s website to review admission requirements and connect with your school counselor to explore your options.
Many colleges and universities require that students take the SAT or ACT for admission, and you can find more information about standardized testing on the district website under assessments. If you’re researching your career goals, the GCPS Career Guide is a resource for career paths that may fit your interests.
GAFutures is a resource to further explore your career interests and learn about scholarship opportunities and financial aid. Additionally, visit the University System of Georgia website to find public colleges in the state that best fit your interests and the career goals you want to pursue. Check out the following timeline and checklist for college planning.
Recommended Senior Year Timeline: Planning for College
- Fall:
- Watch your Senior Advisement video or visit your school Counselor for an Advisement appointment.
- Attend your school’s Senior Night and Financial Aid Night.
- Complete and sign your Senior Graduation Application with your counselor
- Finish visiting colleges of interest and consider virtual college tours when they are available.
- Finalize the list of colleges you will apply to. It is recommended that you apply to 3-5 schools, including a safety school, match school, and reach school.
- Gather admissions requirements for each school, such as application deadlines, required test scores and GPA, essay questions, etc. Remember, every college will have different deadlines for merit-based scholarships, so check websites early if you plan to apply.
- Begin filling out college applications (if necessary, based on deadlines).
- Finish taking the SAT and ACT (college entrance exams) or the ACCUPLACER test (technical colleges).
- Request transcripts and letters of recommendation (if required).
- Winter:
- Apply for federal financial aid (FAFSA) at
- Submit all remaining college applications. Pay attention to deadlines. Late applications are not accepted.
- Apply for the HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship by completing GSFAPP, if applicable:
- Students must apply for HOPE/Zell Miller by completing either FAFSA or GSFAPP.
- Apply for scholarships on your school’s website and through the GCPS Foundation.
- Spring:
- Review Award Letters/Financial Aid offers from colleges you have been accepted to from the Fall application process (may be shared via student’s email or online application portal).
- Graduate!
- College & Career Readiness