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A - Affective Skills
- understand and demonstrate self-control and awareness of personal emotions, behaviors, and space
- understand that all people of various groups and cultures are different and all individuals have different feelings
- understand the impact of how positive and negative words, in addition to verbal and nonverbal emotions/actions, can impact others and their feelings
- demonstrate responsible decision making based on the situation, environmental/ social cues, and potential consequences
- develop and maintain positive personal and school relationships
- identify and utilize strategies to prevent or solve interpersonal conflicts
- identify and practice ways to self advocate for academic, personal, and social needs in a respectful and appropriate manner
- develop a goal related to decision making, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, or behavior and monitor progress toward reaching the goal
A - Study Skills
- demonstrate the attitudes and habits necessary for school success, as appropriate to the current course schedule/ grade level
- apply appropriate and effective study and learning strategies for the content area(s) of focus
- set and work towards individual goals
- demonstrate efficient organization and management of time and materials
- utilize a variety of resources and study aids including both print and digital resources
- work independently and in collaboration with others
- demonstrate appropriate and effective test-taking strategies
- demonstrate an understanding of personal learning style strengths and preferences