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Gwinnett County Public Schools

How to Opt-Out of This Screener

Parents/Caregivers may follow one of the two options below if they do not want their child to participate in the EES survey:

  • Opt-out by informing the school in writing.
    • Parent/Caregiver may request in writing that their child/children be excluded (opt-out) from taking the survey.
    • The written request should be sent to the school(s) their student(s) attend by January 31.  Although January 31 is the date set for opt-outs to be submitted, parents may continue to complete the opt-out process throughout the survey window.
  • Opt-out using the Parent Portal
    • Parent/Caregivers can opt-out for their student(s) in the ParentVUE mobile App by following the steps below.
      • Log into the ParentVUE mobile app and choose a student.


      • Press Student Info and on the next screen press Edit Information.

Scroll down to find the Parent Opt-Out of EES Student Survey row.

      • Select Yes to opt-out the student and click Save Changes.

The change will be processed and accepted by the school.