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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Mobile Apps

Stay involved with your student's learning and activities at school. From anywhere. 

Downloading the mobile app is the easiest way to receive all Posts, Events, Sign Up Requests, Photos, and Files. Users can enable app notifications when a message is posted.  

Find the ParentSquare app for your phone today! Apple App or Google Play store.


Mobile Apps for Portal & eCLASS

3 Mobile Apps: Stay Up to Date on Your Phone or Tablet

Gwinnett has three additional apps that can be downloaded onto your student's phone to access information on the go! Both are available in Google Play and the App Store.

StudentVUE Mobile App for GCPS Students: GCPS students can use their smartphones to access StudentVUE to find grades, schedules, and more!

ParentVUE Mobile App for GCPS Parents: GCPS parents and guardians can use their smartphones to access ParentVUE to find grades, schedules, and more!

eCLASS access on the go via the Pulse app: Stay connected with your classes, view content on and offline, and the best feature are the notifications! Make sure to turn them on while activating the app.

Pulse App (eCLASS)

StudentVUE App (Portal)


If you experience an issue with accessing ParentVUE or StudentVUE mobile applications using Apple iOS,  please download the most recent version from the Apple App Store. The version will need to be 11.2 or higher.   

Looking for a convenient way to view GCPS programming?


The GCPS TV mobile app is now available for the following devices: AppleAndroidAmazon Fire, and the Roku Channel.