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Gwinnett County Public Schools


Frequent Use Strategy

Strong literacy skills provide students with a foundation for academic achievement and support students’ mastery of AKS in all content areas. Throughout K-12 learning, students continuously strengthen their literacy development in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Teachers will provide explicit and systematic instruction and opportunities to practice literacy skills in all content areas. As teachers plan for instruction, they will consider the course AKS and the literacy needs of their students to create intentional opportunities for purposeful practice to further support mastery of the course AKS and literacy skills.

In the K-12 language arts classroom, students will receive explicit, systematic, and cumulative literacy instruction aligned to evidenced-based literacy practices outlined in Science of Reading research. Using diagnostic assessments, teachers will determine instructional needs of students and design instructional opportunities using the QPTS to support students’ literacy development.


Look Fors

The Teacher will…

  • provide opportunities & support for active & purposeful listening & speaking to enhance the learning of concepts, skills, & vocabulary through partner, small group, & whole class discussions.
  • provide students with opportunities to read a variety of rich & rigorous on-grade level texts to build background knowledge & vocabulary.
  • explicitly model writing in the content area & provide students with opportunities to write for a variety of purposes & audiences.
  • provide students with explicit & systematic support in literacy to ensure students acquire a strong foundation in their literacy development.

The Students will…

  • engage in listening & speaking activities through various learning settings to deepen the learning & to further enhance the learning experience.
  • read a variety of rich & rigorous on-grade level texts to grow their background knowledge & deepen their vocabulary.
  • engage in varied & ongoing writing practice to develop effective writing skills.
  • repeatedly practice reading & writing to develop automaticity and fluency & to deepen literacy skills.



Math ES 1197-2

In this video, the teacher is providing timely feedback to monitor student progress as students work in small groups.

Math HS 1207-11

In this video, the students work to explain their solutions while the teacher asks follow up questions for clarification.

Math HS 1207-12

In this video, students work to analyze, assess, and communicate their thinking on the math task.

Math HS 1207-5

In this video, the teacher provides a structure for students to self-assess their learning throughout the task.

Math HS 1207-6

In this video, students work and discuss collaboratively on the math task.

Math HS 1207-7

In this video, the teacher assess student understanding on the task and calls for students to reflect on their progress.

Math HS 1207-8

In this video, the teacher poses questions for students to analyze and discuss their mathematical thinking.

Math MS 1200-2

In this video, the teacher monitors students as they work collaboratively

Math MS 1219-7

In this video, the teacher purposefully poses questions throughout the teacher-led small group for students to clarify and expand their thinking.

QPTS Instructional Tech Toolkit for Teachers

For any questions with this guide or its content, please call Instructional Support at (678) 301-6804.