Central Zone
Steven Berardinelli
- Officer - Discovery Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Alford ES
- steven.berardinelli@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 254-3202
Brian Bergman
- Officer - Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- brian.bergman@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 476-4234
Lashawn Blake
- Officer - Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Peachtree Ridge HS
- lashawn.blake@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 512-6045
Catherine Budd
- Officer - Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Northbrook MS
- catherine.budd@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 407-7140
Joel Coward
- Officer - Collins Hill Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Creekland MS
- joel.coward@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 447-2644
Sgt. Mark Fritz
- Supervisor - Central Gwinnett and Discovery Clusters
- Safety and Security
- Alford ES
- mark.fritz@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 245-3202
Chris Hall
- Officer - Central Gwinnett Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Moore MS
- chris.hall@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 226-7124
Jeremerae Hudgson
- Officer - Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Hull MS
- jeremerae.hudgson@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 232-3398
Micheal Hughes
- Officer - Collins Hill Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Collins Hill HS
- micheal.hughes@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 682-4218
Scott King
- Officer and Chaplain - Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Burnett ES
- scott.king@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 546-2176
Linda Lavender
- Officer - Discovery Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Discovery HS
- linda.lavender@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 377-3969
Preston Lindsay
- Officer - Discovery Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Discovery Cluster
- preston.lindsay@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 376-8657
John Lopez-Espinal
- Officer - Discovery Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Discovery Cluster
- john.lopez@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 277-2252
Daniel Martin
- Officer - Central Gwinnett Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Simonton ES
- daniel.martin@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 226-7124
Darin Mitchem
- Officer - Central Gwinnett Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Phoenix HS
- darin.mitchem@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 513-6720
Aja Peterson Holt
- Officer - Central Gwinnett Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Central Gwinnett HS
- aja.petersonholt@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 246-5339
Joe Petrocy
- Officer - Central Gwinnett Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Central Gwinnett Cluster
- joseph.petrocy@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 338-4852
Andrew Saroka
- Officer - Central Gwinnett Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Jordan MS
- andrew.saroka@gcpsk12.org
- (470) 564-2869
Fredy Vargas
- Officer - Collins Hill Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Collins Hill HS
- fredy.vargas@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 407-7445
Sgt. Billy Wynn
- Supervisor - Collins Hill and Peachtree Ridge Clusters
- Safety and Security
- Rock Springs ES
- billy.wynn@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 831-4852