Arcado Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Paula Thompson
5150 Arcado Road, Lilburn, GA, 30047
School Highlights
The following school highlights showcase how Arcado Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.
Arcado is designated as a No Place for Hate school for the tenth year. Students participated in several activities, including taking the No Place for Hate pledge. They engaged in lessons from the school counselors about "Being An Ally" and participated in the ever-popular Kindness Grams. Students meet monthly to discuss ways to spread kindness throughout the school.
Arcado hosted two H.E.R.O.E. Program events: (Raising Hispanic Family Engagement to Heroic Levels), a successful family-outreach program for Arcado's Latino population. The program is designed to build a robust school-home partnership. Our bilingual staff delivers the program entirely in Spanish, consisting of community-building events, learning workshops, and a bilingual family reading initiative. Additionally, Arcado hosted a Vietnamese breakfast supported by a translator to extend Arcado's desire to welcome all cultures into the school community partnership.
Arcado's Social Emotional Learning (SEL) team leaders hosted after-school Wellness Wednesdays for teachers once a month. Sessions were designed to create relaxing experiences for teachers and encourage mindfulness. Arcado's support staff provided SEL lessons to students through the Pawsitivity Academy. Faculty members delivered Nora Project, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS), and SEL activities to students to encourage and develop empathy. Additionally, Arcado hosted a Saturday wellness session for families where they engaged in yoga and learned about a variety of emotional supports.
Arcado hosts several clubs that provide opportunities for students to express themselves and engage in new experiences. Arcado participated in its first Odyssey of the mind competition, advancing to the State Competition. Several clubs offered included Percussion, Witzzle Pro (math), Photography, Running Club, Student Council, Strong Girls, Girl Scouts, Coding, Double Dutch, Lego League, Little Legos, and Chorus. Arcado's Lego Team won the Core Value award at the local Lego Competition. .
Class Meetings are embedded into Arcado's daily schedule, allowing students and teachers to connect. All grades participate in Joyful learning each morning upon entering the classroom. Joyful learning allows students to connect with one another and build classroom relationships. Creating a sense of belonging for students helps to embrace the traditions and experiences of Arcado's diverse community.
Arcado's WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a volunteer program designed to help fathers and other father figures become involved in the school and provide positive male role models for our students. This year Arcado welcomed a record number of father participation with over 100 father volunteers. Watch D.O.G.S. select one or more days to volunteer. When they arrive on campus, Watch D.O.G.S. receive a detailed schedule which includes patrolling the campus, assisting with procedures, working in classrooms, and engaging with students. Watch D.O.G.S. also participate in school-wide events.
According to, Arcado is the 4th most diverse public elementary school in Georgia out of 1,335 schools. Our multicultural community includes families from 25 countries with over 37 spoken languages. Arcado's students and staff are curious about one another's cultures and strive to create a sense of belonging for everyone who enters our doors.
Arcado teachers and students participated and won several awards this year. One student won the GCPS Science Fair. Arcado teachers won participation awards for attending Literacy and Math Professional Developments. Arcado teachers created an Autism Speaks team and walked to honor and raise money for the Autism Speaks Foundation. One of Arcado's teachers was the Elementary Counselor of the Year. Arcado participated in many fundraisers and won the Bronze Award for raising money for Clarks Care Kids. Students raised money for the disaster in Maui and collected mittens for the homeless.
Arcado is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct. Each month students are recognized as the Pawsitive Panda of the Month and yard signs are placed at each student's home. Students are also rewarded for positive bus behavior with the BOB award (Best on the Bus).
Arcado has a robust PTA who plan engaging activities for families. Movies on the Lawn and the Valentines Day Dance bring out families in large numbers as they enjoy a school community connection. Arcado's PTA also supports teachers during early release conferences and Teacher Appreciation Week with snacks and lunches. The PTA is purchasing new benches to be placed in the front of the school. Boosterthon added to the overall school landscape by supporting the purchase of a digital sign and new playground equipment for students.