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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Britt Elementary School

Principal: Melissa Madsen

2503 Skyland Drive, Snellville, GA 30078

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Britt Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

  • Britt students and staff strive for excellence in academics and behavior. Britt Elementary participates in the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for those students who exhibit appropriate school conduct. Students are encouraged daily to show Comet PRIDE, which stands for Politeness, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, and Effort.
  • All students at Britt Elementary participate in a computer science special where they learn about the foundations of computer programming and robotics. Students in our art special discover how creativity and technique come together to make something unique. Students in music learn how to play instruments, from recorders and rhythm sticks to ukeleles.
  • Britt Elementary’s 5th graders organized their annual schoolwide service project by conducting a canned food drive in conjunction with Snellville's Festival of Trees to collect food for the Southeast Gwinnett Cooperative food bank. The city of Snellville recognized students’ civic engagement at a town council meeting.
  • Britt Elementary School students participate in various extracurricular activities to build character, physical health, and leadership. Students chose from organizations supporting reading, the arts, physical fitness, computer science, yearbook, robotics, broadcasting, and leadership. Students also participated in the Gwinnett County Public Schools Spelling Bee, Reader Rally, Tapestry Art Exhibit, and Robotics Competition.
  • Off-campus field trips supplemented the curriculum. Students heard the Atlanta Symphony, immersed themselves in art at the High Museum, participated in civic engagement by visiting Snellville City Hall and other community partners, learned about history at the Civil Rights Museum, and explored animal life at the Yellow River Game Ranch, the Atlanta Zoo, and the Georgia Aquarium.
  • Families connected home and school by participating in Literacy Night, Math Night, our annual Black History celebration, All-Pro Dad, and grade-level-specific Lunch and Learn workshops.
  • Students participate in extended learning programs on Saturdays, after school, and during the summer to improve their achievement on the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) Curriculum.
  • Career Day inspired Britt students as they considered their future careers. Students learned about careers in health care, public service, transportation, law, animal care, and technology.
  • Families with children ages birth to five years had the opportunity to participate in our Play 2 Learn program or Little Learners Program.
  • Britt Elementary partners with Gwinnett Parks and Recreation to provide our students and staff with an afterschool program and other experiences.

School Profile Dashboard