Burnette Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Sally Lehmann
3221 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suwanee, GA 30024
School Highlights
The following school highlights showcase how Burnette Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.
- Burnette staff is committed to excellence. According to the EES Staff Survey, 97% of staff responded positively to the statement, “In our school, we expect all staff to perform responsibilities with a high level of excellence”.
- At Burnette Elementary, gifted and high-performing 4th and 5th-grade students can take Accelerated Content Math courses. Some engaging and challenging activities were extended to the rest of the school through learning experiences like the Glow Room, Leprechaun Family Reunion, and Detective Day. Students immersed themselves in fun activities as they practiced vital math concepts.
- At Burnette, our students are soaring to new heights! Each school year, they achieve remarkable academic gains that set them toward excellence. Students at Burnette are committed to reaching their typical and stretch growth goals on the iReady Assessment. In a typical school, 25%-35% of students meet their stretch goal by the end of the year. We had 45% of our students meet their stretch goal in Reading, and 38% of our students achieved their stretch goal in Math!
- Burnette celebrated our school’s rich diversity on International Night and during our first Loteria Night. According to the EES Family Survey, 96% of our families responded positively to the statement, “This school has a welcoming environment that embraces the diversity of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation.”
- Burnette's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) coordinates several community events throughout the year. These include Spirit Nights at Jeremiah’s Ice and Chick-fil-A, Bingo Night, Movie Under the Stars, and Trunk or Treating.
- All students at Burnette Elementary have the opportunity to participate in a variety of before- and After-school clubs. This year, these clubs included Chorus, Readers Rally, Robotics, Lego Club, PE Club, Art Club, I9 Sports, Big Hit Tennis Locomotion Lions, Movie Club, Chess Club, Brain Games, Gardening Club, Zumba, and Cooking Club. The Burnette PTA also provided scholarships to students who needed assistance paying club dues.
- Burnette Elementary received a record number of responses, 189 more than the previous year, on the district's Family Engagement survey, leading to excellent feedback from a much more diverse group of respondents, enabling staff to analyze the needs of the Burnette community further.
- Burnette Elementary is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct. Students learn how to show their PRIDE every day!