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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Grayson Elementary School

Principal: Chris W. Brown

460 Grayson Parkway, Grayson, GA 30017

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Grayson Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

  • Grayson Elementary School was awarded grants and gifts from the Grayson Masonic Lodge No. 549, the Grayson Elementary PTA and local business partners to purchase additional books for its book vending machine.
  • Grayson Elementary School was also awarded a $9000.00 grant from Walton EMC to re-design and makeover its Media Center.
  • Grayson Elementary School provided many opportunities to develop, support, and extend student learning and participation through Enrichment Clubs, Literacy Nights, PBIS Nights, Fine Arts Nights, Chorus Programs, Before- and After-School Tutoring, Enrichment Saturdays, a High School student mentoring program, small-group counseling, student conferences, and many individual support resources.
  • Incoming kindergarten students are invited to participate in a three-week Rising Kindergarten Summer Camp to help the children familiarize themselves with our school before their first day at Grayson Elementary.
  • Student leadership opportunities continued with the Leadership Academy, Peer Helpers, Ram Buddies, Recycling Rams, GETV Broadcast Team, Environmental Team, and Student Council.
  • For students needing additional support to master the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum, we offered a variety of interventions, including the Response to Intervention (RTI) Program, Academic Study Support, small-group counseling, student conferences, additional skill-building specials classes, Saturday Learning Opportunities, and many individual support resources.
  • The PTA sponsored many events throughout the year, including 5th Grade Celebrations, Reflections, Red and Blue Ribbon Weeks, Anti-Bullying Week, Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Celebrations, and other events to support the Grayson Elementary community.
  • We held our second annual "International Night," where students, families, and staff members celebrated and highlighted our rich cultural diversity.
  • Grayson Elementary School was recognized by the Georgia Department of Education and the Gwinnett Board of Education with Operational status for implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the last school year. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.
  • Grayson’s students, staff, and community members generously supported fundraising and community service projects, including United Way, Relay for Life, the American Red Cross, and our local school Care Team.
  • In conjunction with the Grayson Cycling Club, Grayson Elementary School was able to continue operating our spa-like "Wellness Room" for staff members, which improves employees' mental health and promotes rest and relaxation.

School Profile Dashboard