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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Magill Elementary School

Principal: Dr. Guerlène Merisme

3900 Brushy Fork Road, Loganville, GA 30053

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Magill Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

  • Magill students can join clubs like Kidz Life, Chorus, Honors Chorus, Drummers, Comet Elite Steppers, Robotics, News Crew, Photography Club, Girl Scouts, and more.
  • All students at Magill Elementary School take a Computer Science special. In these classes, they learn the building blocks of how computers work, laying the foundation for further coursework that they can take in middle school.
  • All students at Magill Elementary School take a Technology special. In these classes, they learn keyboarding skills, practice digital citizenship, and reinforce foundational literacy and math skills.
  • All students participated in Morning Meetings and SEL lessons.
  • At Magill, we celebrate our students and help them feel they belong through activities like Cultural Heritage Night.
  • Magill staff and community members are collaborating to refurbish our outdoor classroom and community garden.
  • The Georgia Department of Education recognized Magill Elementary School as operational for implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the last school year. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.
  • Through our Distinguished Gentlemen's Club, male students in need of mentoring receive Tier II and Tier III support. Mentors are faculty, staff, and community members. Next year, we will add a mentoring program for female students in need.
  • Families at Magill can attend many workshops that help them support their students' needs and partner with the school. Some workshops addressed topics like Resources for Special Education, Supporting Multilingual Learners, Technology Thursdays, Math Night, Literacy Night, STEAM Night, and GMAS Night.
  • Magill Elementary has a very engaged and involved community. Families support the school through the PTA, School Council, and our robust Volunteer Program. This year, we had over 100 volunteers for different programs and events.

School Profile Dashboard