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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Norcross Elementary School

Principal: Dr. Kassia Sutton

150 Hunt Street, Norcross, GA 30071

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Norcross Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.


  • The Norcross Elementary counseling team allowed students to practice mindfulness activities to regulate their emotions. They facilitated Career Day, Red Ribbon Week, Grandparent’s Day Luncheons, dental and vision screenings for our students, and provided family follow-up resources. During Spring Early Release Conferences, they also organized a community resource fair for families. They partnered with the Atlanta Food Bank to offer an accessible Drive-Thru Pantry for the Norcross Cluster.
  • The Norcross Elementary Play2Learn Program provided enriching and engaging learning experiences for about 40 children. We increased to two classes to support families. Additionally, we hosted the Little Learners Academy monthly.
  • The Norcross ESOL Team facilitated two family engagement events to broaden our families' knowledge about the ACCESS assessment, learning strategies, and resources. A celebration was held for students who exited the ESOL program.
  • All students had the opportunity to participate in a 10-week reading initiative, Level-Up. Students were asked to read and record their minutes. Awards and recognitions were given to the top readers in each class. A class was awarded for reading the most minutes at each grade level. To support our students, Norcross Elementary provided them with opportunities to receive new books through the GCPS Book Mobile and the Book Blast Fundraiser.
  • The Norcross Elementary Reader’s Rally Team placed second in their division during the 2024 Competition.
  • The Norcross Elementary Garden Club partnered with Victory Church for a school beautification day.
  • The Norcross Elementary Art Club students created the four cards used for the 2023 Norcross Police Department’s Christmas cards, sold “Chairs for Charity” at the Norcross Art Splash Festival, donated all proceeds to Habitat for Humanity, performed with the Norcross Elementary Chorus at the High Museum of Art, and five students had artwork displayed at Hartsfield-Jackson Youth Art Gallery.
  • The Norcross Elementary Robotics Club, ‘Soarboats’ participated in the First Lego League Competitions.
  • The Norcross Elementary Running Club ran with the Elite Runners Club, which consists of Olympic runners, and participated in community races. The Norcross Elementary Girls on the Run Club participated in the annual 5K run.
  • Norcross Elementary received free school supplies and backpacks from Office Depot for all of our students and $20,000 from the Boise Paper Company for teacher supplies. Booster partnered with us to provide volunteers and supported us at our annual Glow Party, 5th Grade Celebration, Teacher Appreciation, and a host of other activities and resources.


School Profile Dashboard