Parsons Elementary School
Principal: Lenie George
1615 Old Peachtree Road, Suwanee, GA 30024
School Highlights
The following school highlights showcase how Parsons Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.
- Parsons Elementary School implemented the Korean Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program in 2019-2020. Korean DLI is a form of bilingual education in which children spend half their day receiving instruction in Korean, the target language, and the other half learning English. Students learn math, science, and Korean literacy in Korean and language arts and social studies in English. Students start the DLI Program in kindergarten and continue their Korean immersion experience each subsequent school year of elementary school.
- Parsons celebrated our school’s rich diversity on International Night, which included over 20 countries representing their culture, attire, music, and food. They included University partnerships with Georgia State University, the University of North Georgia, and Kennesaw State University the night.
- All students at Parsons Elementary School can take Art, Music, PE, Korean, Health, and Computer Science specials.
- Parsons staff is committed to excellence. According to the EES Staff Survey, 99% of staff responded positively to the statement, “In our school, we expect all staff to perform responsibilities with a high level of excellence.”
- The Parsons Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) provided opportunities to engage the community and staff throughout the year. School-wide events hosted by the PTA included Movie Under the Stars, the Sweetheart Dance, and the 5th Grade Carnival. A successful fundraiser the prior year also funded a new playground for the students.
- School-wide events, including Curriculum Night, International Night, Family Literacy and Math Night, and Parsonspalooza, brought the school community together to celebrate and learn.
- Parsons Student Council hosted the First Annual Parsons Talent Show. Student Council took ownership of the event and led it, including advertising, organizing the talent, and running the show.
- At Parsons Elementary School, students had multiple opportunities to be involved in extracurricular activities. Parsons teachers sponsored clubs, including Checkers, Art, Robotics, Student Council, Witzzle Pro Math, and Readers Rally. Outside vendors also offered clubs, including Drama, i9 Sports, Big Hit Tennis, and Technology.
- Parsons takes pride in retaining outstanding teachers. For the last four years, more than 90% of our teachers have continued to teach at Parsons.
- Parsons Elementary provided two Play 2 Learn classes for 37 children ages birth to five. Children learned through hands-on experiences, dancing, play, music, and storytelling.
- Parsons Elementary School is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) School. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.