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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Taylor Elementary School

Principal: Tawanda Sanks

600 Taylor School Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Taylor Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

  • At Taylor Elementary School, we take pride in our academic achievements. 56% of our students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 66% scored at or above that level for reading, surpassing the state's benchmarks. (Schools in GA)
  • Taylor ranks #107 in Georgia Elementary Schools.
  • Taylor Elementary ranks # 17 in Gwinnett County Public Schools
  • Taylor Elementary is #6 in raising money for the Kids Heart Challenge School in Gwinnett County.
  • Taylor Elementary was recognized for implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as an Emerging School.
  • 56.6 % of our Kindergarteners met the Kindergarten readiness test this year, compared to 50.7 % of the county’s benchmark percentage.
  • 99.9% of our MLL (Multilingual Learners) progressed toward English Language Proficiency.
  • Taylor Elementary offers a free 0–5-year-old program called “Play to Learn,” which teaches families to grow, play, and learn with their children.
  • Taylor Elementary is a Title One school.
  • Taylor Elementary is a vibrant and inclusive community, with over 21% of our population being multilingual students. We celebrate diversity and offer a range of multilingual programs to ensure every student feels valued and included.
  • K.E. Taylor Elementary School is part of the Collins Hill School Cluster in Lawrenceville, GA. It was established in 1997. The community is robust and supports the well-being of the school. Ironically, the school is placed in the middle of the community. Taylor Elementary has a strong PTA; all community activities are attended well. The 875-student body population of Taylor consists of 20.3% white students, 32.9% Hispanic students, 30.1% Black students, and 9.7% Asian students. Over the past year, we are most proud of our multilingual staff and what they have done to support the rapid changes in our demographics. The 23-24 School year was the first time Taylor was identified as a Title One school, which provides additional resources to schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families. Now, having the resources of a parent center has allowed us to offer multilingual classes for our parents who speak different languages, and it provided many additional support items for our students in the classroom. Taylor performs academically well compared to the cluster elementary school and the county assessment averages. (Usually performing above the county or one to two percent rate below the average) Much of the success of the school and smooth transitions to the changes can be accredited to the longevity of the staff, very little change in the leadership over the years since its opening, and most of all, its culture of unity and family atmosphere.

School Profile Dashboard