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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Winn Holt Elementary School

Principal: Lisa Glausier

588 Old Snellville Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30046

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Winn Holt Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

  • The Winn Holt Academic Competition Club comprises students from grades 2 to 5. At the beginning of the year, these students challenged themselves by taking part in an international qualifying exam in history, science, and geography. Twenty students who received a qualifying score were privileged to compete in the Regional Finals, a buzzer-based event. Over six months, students devoted their time to practice after school. At the competition, they faced off against other elementary schools in Georgia and took home numerous first--, second-, and third-place medals!
  • Winn Holt has had the local school Teacher of the Year go on to the semi-finalist round of the GCPS Teacher of the Year recognition program in the past three years.
  • The Georgia Department of Education recognized Winn Holt Elementary School with Operational status for implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the last school year. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.
  • Winn Holt’s Head Custodian received the GCPS Head Custodian of the Year award at the annual Head Custodian recognition breakfast ceremony. She has received the award for twenty-four years and holds the district record for most years, receiving the award consecutively.
  • A Winn Holt 3rd-grade student received recognition from the judges for his project submitted to the GCPS STEM fair. He attended a special award ceremony that only 12 elementary students in the district were invited to.
  • This school year, all Winn Holt students participated in a Social-Emotional Learning Special. Students learned peer problem-solving strategies, participated in several kindness activities, and engaged in restorative practices. They also had the opportunity to learn and engage in character education practices.
  • Winn Holt offers a wide variety of diverse after-school club experiences. These clubs offer engaging learning and creativity for students who participate with passionate adult staff sponsors. These clubs include Academic Competition, Chorus, Honor Chorus, Orff Instrumental Ensemble, Drama, International, Peer Leaders, Photography, and Robotics.
  • Winn Holt celebrated our 20th Anniversary during the 23 - 24 school year. Over 150 celebrants joined the current staff in reminiscing and reuniting for a wonderful evening of celebration and walking down memory lane.
  • The Winn Holt Coffee Cart sponsor runs a weekly coffee cart with the help of the school’s special education students. The Coffee Cart allows students to learn conversational skills and act as Customer Service Representatives. The Cart sponsor applied for and received a monetary grant from the Central Gwinnett Foundation’s grant program.
  • Winn Holt students collected over 3,000 food items to donate to local area food pantries. This collection and donation event occurred during Gwinnett Great Days of Service in the fall.


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