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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Berkmar Middle School

Principal: Felecia C. Jones

4355 Lawrenceville Highway, Lilburn, GA 30047

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Berkmar Middle School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school. 

  • Berkmar Middle was recognized as a PBIS Operational School, continuing to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) with the Three R’s mantra: Respectful, Responsible, and Ready. Students were consistently acknowledged for exemplifying these qualities through various recognitions, including the Star Patriot Breakfast, Academic Honor Roll, daily announcements, and prizes such as gift cards from community sponsors.
  • The school maintained its focus on three key initiatives: Engaging Bell to Bell Instruction, Effective Collaboration, and Essential Safety Nets.
  • The Student Council received the Lucy McBath Congressional Award for community service.
  • An 8th-grade student was honored as the GCPS Middle School Gifted Student of the Year.
  • 8th graders had the opportunity to take three classes for high school credit: Enhanced Algebra, Physical Science, and Biology.
  • Berkmar Middle continued to host Title I Family Engagement events focused on supporting the academic achievement of middle school learners.
  • Berkmar Middle School partnered with the Atlanta Community Food Bank to host several community food drives to support local families.
  • Four students placed third, and one student placed second in the physics and engineering categories at the 2024 Gwinnett Regional Science Fair.
  • The Parent Instructional Coordinator hosted a Newcomer Academy for our families new to the country. The academy focused on the essentials of supporting their students at school and home.
  • Two students represented the school with their artwork displayed at the Georgia State Capitol Art Show in March.
  • 8th graders had the opportunity to take three classes for high school credit: Enhanced Algebra, Physical Science, and Biology.


School Profile Dashboard