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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Dacula Middle School

Principal: Kimberly Bussey

137 Dacula Road, Dacula, GA 30019

Online Registration

School Highlights

The following school highlights showcase how Dacula Middle School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

  • An 8th-grade student at Dacula Middle School was named Gifted Student of the Year and earned the 2024 Middle School Summer Scholarship for GAGE (Gwinnett Alliance for Gifted Education).
  • In the Gwinnett Science and Engineering fair, 2 DMS students placed 3rd and 2 placed 2nd in the Plant Science category. In the Robotics and Intelligent Machines category, 1 DMS student placed 3rd, and there was a host of honorable mentions.
  • Boys' and Girls' basketball teams won the Western Divisional Championship and competed for the district title.
  • Fine arts departments (band, orchestra, and chorus) scored superior ratings at LGPE (Large Group Performance Ensemble).
  • DMS had two teams compete in the Regionals First Lego League Tournament. Both robotics teams performed well, and the Illuminators earned the Innovation Project Award.
  • DMS has several students who took the National French Exam, Le Grand Concours. Three students received gold awards and one received silver. These students, along with our foreign language teacher, were recognized at our board meeting for the awards their awards.
  • During the competitive season, 28 students from our FBLA team (Future Business Leaders of America) received regional medals for scoring in the top 5 in their competitive areas.
  • At the State Leadership Conference in Columbus, 1 FBLA student finished in 1st place for Social Media Concepts and 1 student finished in 2nd place for FBLA Concepts. A total of 5 students finished in the top 10 in their competitive categories.
  • Dacula Middle opened its Falcons Nest, a school-based enterprise/learning lab serving the staff and community while providing students with the opportunity to learn and implement future-ready skills for college and careers.
  • Two Dacula Middle School teachers earned a Bright Ideas Grant from Jackson EMC, which awards funds for creative and innovative classroom projects.

School Profile Dashboard