Digital Learning Days
GCPS periodically conducts Digital Learning Days (DLDs) when school buildings must be closed on a scheduled school day. Individual local schools also periodically schedule Digital Learning Days as part of specific school initiatives. On a called Digital Learning Day, teachers continue instruction via their online course pages and other digital resources, and students are expected to participate in and complete instructional activities with these resources. Schools and teachers will communicate the specific expectations for completing and submitting activities and work. Any students who are unable to participate should work directly with their teachers on alternative activities and assignments.
In addition, the school district has four Digital Learning Days built into the 2024-25 school calendar—September 20, November 5, February 7, and March 14. On these four planned DLDs, all students will learn from home, completing assignments at their own pace. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have their district-issued devices at home for planned DLDs.
Please click here to learn more about Digital Learning Days in GCPS.