Middle School Promotion Requirements
2024-25 Gwinnett County Public Schools Middle School Promotion Criteria
6th Grade
About Promotion to 7th Grade To earn promotion to the 7th grade, students are required to pass five out of six subjects each semester. Language Arts and Mathematics must be two of the five subjects passed. Should a student not earn promotion to 7th grade, he or she may have the opportunity to attend summer school to learn the AKS standards not mastered during the school year. Students may attend summer school for no more than two semester-long classes.
7th Grade
About Promotion to 8th Grade To earn promotion to the 8th grade, students are required to pass five out of six subjects each semester. Language Arts and Mathematics must be two of the five subjects passed. Should a student not earn promotion to 8th grade, he or she may have the opportunity to attend summer school to learn the AKS standards not mastered during the school year. Students may attend summer school for no more than two semester-long classes.
8th Grade
About Promotion to 9th Grade To earn promotion to the 9th grade, students are required to pass five out of six subjects each semester. Language Arts and Mathematics must be two of the five subjects passed. Should a student not earn promotion to 9th grade, he or she may have the opportunity to attend summer school to learn the AKS standards not mastered during the school year. Students may attend summer school for no more than two semester-long classes. In Georgia, 8th grade students also are required to achieve a reading status of Grade Level or Above on the English Language Arts Georgia Milestones End of Grade (EOG) Assessment and achieve the performance level of Developing or higher on the Mathematics Georgia Milestones EOG Assessment. Students who do not meet either of these state promotion requirements may be required to retest after summer school. Students who do not meet grade level proficiency for the reading status and/or achieve the performance level of Developing or higher on the Mathematics EOG assessment but who have a yearlong average that is passing (70 or higher) in the corresponding course (Language Arts or Math) may be promoted.
Note: Promotion for an English Learner (EL) or a student with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) is guided by the student’s English Learner Proficiency Plan.